Bonz (pron.: bones) what’s left on your plate when you are done eating. Cajun: they came from France in the mid 1700’s and settled in the Louisiana area of North America. Their culture is as rich with tradition as their cuisine is rich with flavour. With influences from the French, Spanish, Mexicans, Caribbean’s, American Indian’s & African American’s it is truly unique.
Kitchen: where cooking is done, no microwave, or pre packed packets of food with ingredients you can’t even pronounce. FRESH, done. Welcome to Bonz Cajun Kitchen, Auckland City’s only authentic American B.B.Q. and Cajun Cuisine. B.B.Q. is something we take very serious in the States (sometimes a little too serious), but this is to your advantage.
Check out our menu for dine in options at Elliott Stables and please contact us for catering options for your next party or function